一年一度由摄影人出版社所举办的马来西亚攝影與旅游聚首的盛會, “吉隆坡攝影节”,Kuala Lumpur Photograhy Festival(KLPF) , 将会在2013年10月11日至13日假吉隆坡的Mid Valley Exhibition Center隆重的举行。
今年我有幸的再次被《摄影人,旅游玩家》邀请,在KLPF 2013上分享我在北印度的拉达克(Ladakh) 的所见所闻。欢迎大家前来捧场。
主题 : 拉达克—被遗忘的香格里拉
Ladakh-The Forgotten Shangri-La
地点 : Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
时间 : 12th October 2012 Saturday 2:15pm to 2:45pm
除了无数的摄影和旅游讲座,KLPF 也少不了摄影器材的展销,各大厂商将会把最新、最优良的摄影器材推介给观众,为前来参与盛会的人们提供更多选择。 同时,摄影节也安排了现场模特儿摄影比赛,让摄影师来到现场拍摄,除了可参与展览、讲座,更可有多样化的选择。
更多资讯请按以下连接 :
KLPF 官方网站 Official web site
KLPF 官方面子书 (Facebook)
KLPF 节目时间表 Official Program Schedule
又讲座咯~ hehe..
Hi Calvin,
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Printic is working well in Europe and America The most fascinating news is we are going to launch in Asia very soon!
Since the company loves your blog too, we are happy to invite you become to the first user in Singapore/Malaysia! We would like to offer you free trails. After that if you like the experiences with Printic, You are more than welcome to share it on your blog and facebook!
To know more about us, welcome to our website and video.
I’m really looking forward to hear from you~~
Have a nice day~
Best regards,
Siyuan GE
Dear Blogger of 行形摄色,
You are invited to participate in a research study. The Institute of Policy Studies is conducting a baseline analysis of the Chinese blogosphere.
While much has been discussed about English blogs, very little attention has been given to non-English blogs. As part of our study, we are conducting a survey to find out more about Chinese bloggers’ blogging practices, topics of interest and motivations for blogging.
If you are interested to find out more about the survey, please contact my colleague Mr Sim Jui Liang at sim.juiliang@nus.edu.sg and he will send you a link to the study.
The survey will last 15-20 minutes. Your participation will be an invaluable contribution to the first study on the Chinese blogosphere.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you.
Dr Carol Soon
Research Fellow
Institute of Policy Studies
National University of Singapore
Odisha CHSE Model Paper 2021, CSEE Last year, the question paper Higher Secondary Education Council (CHSE) is organizing Odisha Class 12 Examination 2021 from March 2021. In order to promote the preparation level for the students coming to the Odisha Class XII Examination 2021, The Board has shared the model responses along with official CHSE model papers for these questions Odisha HS Question Paper 2021. We hope that by studying Odisha CHSE sampling papers, you get more confidence when you are appearing for the actual Odisha Board Class 12 examinations.
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